Jennie Souiade

Posts tagged Awakening
Transformation Time - Published in Thrive Global

Transformation Time

Connecting the dots to clarify a path — here & now.


Tell stories,
illustrate points.

Release and receive.

Growth periods:
Break throughs,

Life flow.

Know your ideal self.
KNOW yourself, right now.
No judgements, just look — 
Inside and out.

Who are you?

Where are you going?
Where do you want to be?
Where are you now?

Paint the picture.
Stand back,
Take another look.

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The Joys of Finding My Balance - Published in Thrive Global

The Joys of Finding My Balance

A Tug of Love

I love being with my family and cuddling their soft little squishiness (my kids’ squishiness, my husband is actually pretty chiseled). It is my joy of joys. (And when they both nap at the same time, it is a different kind of joy).

When I graduated portfolio school, launching into an exciting career in advertising, I declared with confidence that I’d be a creative director and balked at the idea of being a stay-at-home-mom.

I feel compelled to be a dynamic part of the external world in a big way. I have to, I must. Yet, the notion of raising my girls full time like my own magnificent mother did pulls at me now in a way I never thought it would (or did and perhaps resisted).

My future self guides me on my way — she’s the wise, whole version of myself I aspire to be and sometimes call on for advice. I also asked my mom, how she made the decision to quit a career she’d worked so hard to achieve.

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Please click here to read the full piece on Medium.

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Real-Life RomCom - Published in Thrive Global

Real-Life RomCom

32 years: 5 continents, 4 jobs, 3 loves, 2 kids, 1 story.

Every day is an episode of this curiously adventure-filled journey called life.


The thing I like best about RomComs is that they are predictable escapes to easy-going, happy ending places, for about 127 minutes. Well, that’s what you’re going to get here, in a few. I promise you happy endings. It’s all I will allow. And if you choose happiness for yourself, you will be uplifted as well. If you’re having trouble getting there, scroll all the way down right now.

I’m only 32 and my life has been a grand adventure. I’ve lived in Singapore, Paris, New York City and more. I’ve landed amazing jobs, married the best man for me, we’ve traveled the world, started a family and I get to play with them every day — to learn who they are and to learn the best lessons in life.

The more you see, the less you know.” This little lyric from U2’s ‘The City of Blinding Lights’ is equivalent to the picture that’s worth a thousand words; except these are words and they are worth a thousand ideas. It’s a guiding tune for life.

Life seems to work out best when I release control and let it happen. I see the world with open eyes and an open heart. I trust that my life will teach me what is good for me, even when I find myself resisting the lesson. Now, I consciously let go again and allow what will be, be.

I have a tendency to dictate to the world but I’ve learned to collaborate with the cosmos. When I release what I think should happen, when I let my good intentions flow — something even better usually comes back to surprise me.

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Wanna Talk Woo-Woo? - Published in Thrive Global

Wanna talk woo-woo?

“What is this call about?” he asked. “Magic,” I said. “But, of course!” he replied, “Where shall we start?”

I’ve decided to be brave and start to ask when I sense someone is willing to talk about the woo-woo. This month alone, I’ve approached three more people who I’ve felt this sensation of knowing, that they know something about knowing something. But, of course! All three of the people I asked did indeed know and wanted to talk about it. As we discussed, each of us felt reinvigorated — remembering what we already know somehow but are still just figuring it out.

Each time I dare to open up and discuss freely, I expand my understanding. Layers upon layers of understanding reveal themselves to me as I reflect on our discussions and as I look into their recommendations for more information.

When we give ourselves permission to share we also open the door to receive. We multiply our experiences and our understandings, enriching our souls. We are each drops of water on a path that will eventually change the stone.

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Why Getting a ‘B’ in Gym Was One of My Most Powerful Life Lessons - Published in Thrive Global

Modernized Alchemy

Living a big and brilliant life.

Alchemy is the manifestation of energy — aligning life, love and purpose. Ideas are a dime a dozen. Ideas and intentions are wonderful beginnings but they aren’t indicative of success. Gold itself is special, but it’s what you do with it that is magical.

Love is the passion, purpose and drive that makes life — and the work that we do in life — meaningful, exciting and worth the uncertainty of the journey.

Joy is the journey. The journey is the joy.

I absorbed focused determination via osmosis. I saw my parents struggle, save and stretch themselves to accomplish their goals. I worked hard to get straight A’s — until my parents paid me to get a B. True story.

They wanted to teach me to loosen up, to help me chip away my of idea of perfection to allow me to broaden my perspective and alter my perceptions. It worked.

Getting a B in 8th grade gym class was my first practical lesson in consciously seeking life balance. I allowed myself to do something for myself, because it was what I wanted to do, rather than perceived obligations to the system of ‘the way the world works’. I danced the mile, taking my time to chassé and leap instead of running, and it felt great! I realized I didn’t need to fear being inadequate for someone else’s expectations, I could go my own way. I could be me, and it would be okay — better than okay, I would be wholly me and feel joy.

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The Culture Collector - Published in Thrive Global

The Culture Collector

One Woman’s Pursuit of Perspective, of the Places She Goes and How She Grows.

I search for the ‘extra’ in the ordinary. When something seemingly mundane can be perceived as extraordinary, day-to-day life is with intense, rich and overwhelmingly full. Every day is a piece of my story. If a week is a phrase, months are paragraphs, while years become chapters, complete with peaks and pointed lessons. This is the jacket cover.

I am not a big nor a little fish. I am who I am, and I am a human. I adapt and grow in the world I am in — all water is connected anyway.

Born into a loving family in suburban Wisconsin and raised with ‘creativity and confidence’ as ideals, I am lucky and grateful to have a solid foundation. While we didn’t own a cow (it really is something people ask), or know anyone who did, I never saw ‘small town’ limits, only grand opportunities to be, do and become more than myself.

“You can’t just be you, you have to double yourself. You have to read books on subjects you know nothing about. You have to travel to places you never thought of traveling. You have to meet every kind of person and endlessly stretch what you know.” — Mary Wells Lawrence

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